Ryan Muldoon, is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University at Buffalo. He directs UB’s Philosophy, Politics and Economics Program. Muldoon is the author of Social Contract Theory for a Diverse World: Beyond Tolerance. He co-authored the 2015 World Development Report – Mind, Society and Behavior, for the World Bank, and consults with development organizations on issues relating to social norms. He has published numerous articles focusing on PPE-related concerns.
Carmen Pavel is an Associate Professor of Political Economy at King’s College London (KCL). She held postdoctoral positions at the University of Virginia (PPL program) and University of Arizona and served as the first director of the PPE program at KCL. She continues to teach a number of interdisciplinary courses such as the gateway Political and Economic Philosophy course for first year PPE students, and Ethics, Economics, and Public Policy for more advanced undergraduates. She has a broad interests in questions at the intersection of politics, philosophy, and economics, and in the philosophy of law/international law. Her work has appeared in Economics and Philosophy, Law and Philosophy, and Political Studies, among others. She published Divided Sovereignty: International Institutions and the Limits of State Sovereignty with Oxford University Press in 2015 and has edited the Oxford Handbook of Freedom (with David Schmidtz), which was published in 2018.
Geoff Sayre-McCord is the Morehead-Cain Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at the University of North Carolina. He directs UNC’s Philosophy, Politics and Economics Program and is the Founding Director The Philosophy, Politics and Economics Society, an international organization committed to promoting and supporting PPE as an intellectual and pedogogical enterprise. He is a co-editor of Oxford University Press’ Philosophy, Politics and Economics: An Anthology and published extensively on metaethics, David Hume, Adam Smith, and political philosophy.
Eric Schliesser is Professor of Political Science at the University of Amsterdam and visiting scholar at Smith Institute for Political Economy and Philosophy, Chapman University. He has published widely on early modern philosophy and political economy as well as on more recent philosophy of economics. He has published a monograph on Adam Smith, an annotated translation of Sophie Grouchy’s Letters on Sympathy, and an edited volume on Sympathy: A History (all with Oxford University Press). He blogs regularly at Digressionsnimpressions. He currently is the PI on a grant on a New Normative Framework for Financial Debt.
Itai Sher is an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. His research is at the boundary of ethics and economics and focuses on topics such as freedom of choice, voting institutions, and value pluralism in normative economics. He is a co-Editor of the journal Economics & Philosophy, and is a founder and co-organizer of the interdisciplinary conference series Normative Ethics and Welfare Economics.
His work has appeared in The Journal of Economic Theory, The Economic Journal, Theoretical Economics, Games and Economic Behavior, Politics, Philosophy & Economics and The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.